Latest Celeb Soundboards
- New Celebrity soundboards all the time, press CNTRL + D to bookmark
- Jeff Goldblum

First and only soundboard of the ever-so-quirky Jeff Goldblum
- Mike Myers Dr Evil

Mike Myers most famous character Dr Evil , Austin Powers
- Seinfeld Soundboard Kramer

My personal favorite Seinfeld character, Kramers one-liners, great celebrity
- Dennis Hopper

Soundboard Clips here of famous films with Dennis Hopper
- Incredible Hulkster

Former WWF Hulk Hogan celebrity soundboard, BROTHA!
- Rick Flair Soundboard

Yelling and screaming: WWF master in tights sound clips board
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- Hal 9000

Creepy Hal 9000: Stanley Kubricks Space Odyssey Soundboard
- Ozzy Osbourne Sounds

Various gibberish with a lord of darkness
- Miss Cleo Clips

Tap into your psychic abilities with Miss Cleo
- Diamond Dave Sound bites

David Lee Roth soundboard, nough said!
- Arnold Schwartzenegger

More celeb star power by Mr governator.
- Darth Vader

Luke, I am your soundboard! An Evil Celebrity
- David Letterman

Late Night Show Letterman Clips
- Howard Stern Soundboard

Great lines from his radio talk show
- Seinfeld Soundboard Jerry

Who doesn't love Jerry from Seinfeld
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- Mr. T A-Team

Awesome clips .. classic show the A-Team, SUCKA
- Jack Black

Wild and crazy audio clips of Jack Black busting it out
- Sean Connery

Snippets from his badass James Bond days and other various films
- Dave Chappelle as Rick

Hilarious Rick James impersonation: Dave Chappelle Show
- Hannibal Lecter

A memorable character from Silence of the Lambs played by Anthony Hopkins.
- Seinfeld George Costanza

Neurotic and self-loathing George Costanza of Seinfeld
- Dave Chappelle Half Baked

Audio clips from Dave Chappelles Half Baked movie
- Steve Buscemi Soundboard

Various lines from various epic Steve Buscemi films
- Adam Sandler Soundboard

Funny Adam Sandler soundboard with excellent audio
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We have spent countless hours searching the internet for the best celebrity soundboards available. We hope you have enjoyed out extensive collection of celeb soundboards, we post all sorts of funny and crazy celebrities for you to listen to sound clips for hours of fun. THank you for visiting our celebrity soundboards website and if you ever have any special requests be sure to email us at any time.